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R E G I S T R A T I O N   H E L P

Hi! We hear you are having a little trouble. No Worries. Just follow these steps! Remember that if you are registering multiple children, please follow these steps and use a different email address for each one.

Choose the Day and Times you would like to register for and click the "Sign up Now!" button.


It will prompt you to "Log In" or "Create an Account". If you already have a username (your email) and password, enter it. 


If not, choose the "Create an Account" box and enter your email address....


When entering the name, remember: USE THE NAME OF THE CHILD, NOT YOURS.

Click the day or days for attendance so they are grayed and click "Enroll".....

If you had clicked all the days, click on the "Week Rate". If you had clicked only a portion of the week, click on

the "Day Rate". If you have already registered for a week at full price and this is your 2nd, 3rd or 4th week,

choose "Subsequent Week Rate"....

At the last page before payment, review and conform the number of days, dates and total.

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